The world from my window_My Futuristic Bucket list

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The itch to travel is strong. It feels as if I am fastened to the house by a BELT called “VIRUS”. Loosening of the belt and the country is in a grave situation.

The bucket list seems to grow and overflow. The World seems so small from my window. Unknowingly I check the Indian and the world map 1000 times in a day. Knowing very well the stay home belt is tightly fastened. It seems I have forgotten how to unfasten the belt.

Amidst this, watching documentaries and Films is helping to create a positive mindset. One day, that one day the skies would be a buzz with planes and we all would all be free birds to enjoy human company.

I make my Futuristic Bucket list for 2022, to stay afloat and share with you all to spread some cheer making it my ARMCHAIR TRAVEL.


Mountains are my absolute choice. I love them in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Many times they intimidate us with their sheer size but they make you fall in love with them.

Spiti Valley

SPITI- Himachal Pradesh….No.1 on my Bucket list

Set amidst the towering Himalayas, with the Glacial Spiti River flowing in full elegance, windswept valleys, with age-old whitewashed monasteries, quaint villages, and simple life resonating with Buddhism attracts me.

I dream of lying down on a starry night and see the universe with many constellations. I see myself posting a postcard from the highest post office located at HIKKIM.

This village 46km away from KAZA. This small hamlet covered with snow attracts me to reach out to the inhabitants and spend time amidst them.

The quietness and serenity that comes through the landscapes where life is lived with nature’s pace, where spirituality reigns supreme and tranquility are sublime.

I wish to take the longest route possible, spending slow time and laze around finding myself amongst nature.

SIKKIM-North East India- No.2 on my Bucket list

Here Comes the Himalayas again. Sikkim is on top of my Bucket list, it’s been there, we have been playing hide and seek. I was booked for May 2020 but was fastened by the virus and skipped, and so did in 2021.

I dream about floating in the mountains watching the prayer flags fluttering, tread through the many trails to reach the hidden waterfalls amongst the greenest of forests rich with Flora and Fauna.

To stay with the locals and learn life’s simple ways which seem to be lost in course of time. I strongly believe the vibe of the place is going to be enriching and the first chance I get I will find myself in SIKKIM.

AZERBAIJAN-No.3 on my Bucket list

Azerbaijan located in the southern part of the CAUCASUS is a very intriguing country. With 9 out of 11 climate zones it has it all the snowcapped mountains, arid hot deserts, and the plains each one is beauty personified.

It’s an exemplary blend of the east and west with its diverse history, culture, dialect, and food, and the Mud Volcanoes.

BAKU the capital has metamorphosed into a futuristic city keeping its ancient history intact. I dream of walking the cobbled streets and visiting the Iranian-style cafes, drink CHAI with extra sugar and hear to SALLAM and have a shot of vodka Russian style and hear “Nasdrovia”


Hampi—Karnataka No.4 on my Bucket list

Fascinated with this city situated on the banks of the Tungabhadra River, this second largest medieval city spread over 16 sq. km is a World Heritage UNESCO site.

Designed in the Dravidian style architecture and made from the local granite boulders the place has a history dating back to 1000 years.

This once upon a time the Capital City of Vijaynagara Empire has left us a legacy of temples, streets, bazaars, water systems, fountains, community kitchens stables speaking volumes about the rich culture.

As I visualize and hear too many podcasts I am left in awe and the urge to visit grows intense. Today’s Hampi along with its ancient infrastructure offers much for the visitors.


DHOLA VIRA-KUTCH GUJRAT-No.5 on my Bucket list

Locally known as the “kotada Timba” dholavira hosts the ruins of ancient Indus valley civilization. Being one of the largest and grandest amongst the 5 Harappa sites this rectangular organized city with well-defined spaces to a preexisting plan of 3 divisions fascinates me.

I long to see the vision of my ancestors as I always question how they were equipped. We say we have technology what did they have. What was their operational style?

ANGKORVAT.CAMBODIA-No.6 on my Bucket list

This great cultural wonder of the world and the largest religious structure of the KHMER architecture built over 3 decades as a vast temple.

Dedicated to the stalwart Gods of Hindus the temples depict many scenes from the Ramayana and Mahabharata.

The connection of my cultural history to this gigantic heritage site some thousands of Km away pulls me, though the site has gone many restorations and is out of the danger zone the Gigantic, aesthetic Monument tops my bucket list.


KAZIRANGA National Park-Assam- No.7 on my Bucket list

I have been fortunate enough to visit many national parks and reserves with sightings etched on my memory of the big cats.

But the one-horned RHINO, in the tall elephant grass, marshy lagoons, and dense forest along the majestic Brahmaputra River at the Kaziranga is one of the bucket list destinations.

The park hosts around 2200 i.e. total of 2/3 of the world’s Rhino Population. Spotting them in their natural habitats is something spell-bounding, you are hushed and speechless as these majestic creatures are spotted.

Kazirabga National Park


National park in southern Kenya is undoubtedly the best place for sighting the BIG FIVE and the WILDEBEEST and ANTELOPE Migration.

The documentaries have been enthralling enough and the urge to visit is the strongest.

The reserve possessing 3 habitats out of the seven, the open plain, acacia woodlands, tall grassland make the most scenic and natural habitats. Visit the Masai tribes and listening to their traditional ways of life, taking as many safaris as possible to sight as many inhabitants as possible is a must-do.

Amboseli national park-3


UDAIPUR. Rajasthan INDIA-No.9 on my Bucket list

This city of lakes also known as the “Venice of the East” has 400 years of royal history. This palatial city with a plethora of small and big MAHALs and Haveli with marble and mirror work, stain glass doors, and windows is a colour full treat to all your senses.

As I write this I visualize myself watching the sunset from the topmost viewpoint of one of the palaces /forts wearing the most extravagant leheriya the local textile.

I dream to have an evening cruise at Lake PICHOLA and experience the royalty it’s grandeur in all ways.  I keep watching “Yeh Jawani Hai Diwani” shot in Udaipur.


Turkey- No.10 on my Bucket list

This exotic country with a great mix of Europe and Asia with the rich history of many empires leaving their mark. The country offers stunning historical sites, great adventure, mouthwatering delicious food, great Bazar and souks, and hospitable people.

I long to go on a hot air balloon in Cappadocia, visit the blue mosque and the grand bazaar, and visit the cobbled streets to satiate my taste buds. It takes away a large part of my bucket list.

A bucket list can never get empty

As I said the Bucket is overflowing it’s time to add another one as it did bring cheer while writing and I am sure it will surely work for all my readers. We are in a very grim situation right now, but I am sure we all together will fight back and see brighter days ahead.

Right now it’s time to keep the belt fastened and soothe the scratch by expressing myself and sharing with you all.

I firmly believe I will tick off the bucket list and will surely share my real-time experiences, so will you. That’s a promise. Bye until then, so long.

Stay tuned to Varsha Mahore blogs. Enriching lives through travel.

Varsha Mahore

4 thoughts on “The world from my window_My Futuristic Bucket list

  1. Very interesting. You brought all these place live in front of my eyes.I felt as if I was there in these beautiful places.

  2. A very good mix of off-beat and popular sites in your bucket list!
    Best of luck for ticking off each of these and many more that get added in the journey!
    A small suggestion – try to include the local culture, heritage, cousine and people in your exploration – that would complete the whole picture!!!

  3. Very inspirational blog. Everyone should followed the bucket list & fulfill their dreams.

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