BHUTAN_Blessed with Nature’s Bounty

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The beautiful Nature’s Bounty


Descending from the DO CHULA pass, we face yet another awesome panorama of the PO CHU and MO CHU rivers. Both radiate a different color and are distinguishingly identifiable and fondly called the male and the female. Each flowing from a different part of the Himalayas, wearing different cut stone Diamonds and yet flowing in the same Full grace.

AEZAY the traditional chili paste

As we approach the plains, the road is embedded in between the river and fields dotted with chilly plantations, women wearing colorful clothes can be seen picking chilies. RED and Green long and Fat, and I am tempted for a stop.

And yes I did. A halt, taste, and a click and it added a drop to my knowledge. Bhutanese eat their food spicy and hence these homegrown chilies are super famous. Every meal is savored with AEZAY the traditional chili paste’.

Bhutan etched in my mind and embedded in my heart

I can go on and on, as every minute in Bhutan is etched in my mind and ebbed in my heart I felt happy, light to myself, as fragrant as the air that blew through and in me and I felt like I could fly anytime. ‘IT’ felt so close to heaven.

With this feeling, I am deposited yes deposited at my hotel set on the riverbank, and it was like what could you ask for, The rivers had followed me or Vice versa. I am there with them amidst nowhere, yet at the most beautiful place with lush green mountains, calmly flowing rivers, and a quiet happy place.

The Archers’ IN GHO

To increase my happiness quotient I venture out to find some homemade brew, and there I find menacing their Archery skills out of nowhere. Talking to them about their fetish for the national game, I spend some time watching the archer’s concentration and skills. Talking to one of the national champions we discuss their innate dedication towards the game.

I am sure heaven must be something like this

Continuing my search for the brew, my hotel being in the middle of nowhere, it seems a luxury to find this but breaking the language barrier with the duo of a Grandma and her granddaughter on their way home I am led to a small settlement where on the rack are a display of many colorful bottles of a variety of wine and the Grandpa with his wrinkled yet smiling face can be seen sprawled in front of a TV blaring Bollywood songs.

Amidst nowhere I would have fainted but held control over myself, and friendly banter about INDIA and Bhutan’s friendly ties ensues with Grandpa with he singing many classics of Kishor Kumar in his Bhutanese accent and dancing a bit with a cap-like Dev Anand for me. Their again the happy feeling is back…. we share the same love with no boundaries of country, religion culture, language, gender and are just contended to  “ Eat, Drink, Sing, Dance and Pray”. This is the Happiness Quotient.

Punakha is a step closer to Heaven.  Leaving this place with my heart filled with happiness I should have felt lighter, but it felt heavier. Here, human nature again shows its fickleness because we forget to enjoy the moment and look forward to something new.

Rafting on the RIVER MO CHU and PO CHU

The feeling of something new is always exhilarating. Yes, the rafting was what made us feel adventurous and thrilling in the wild and the swift currents of MO CHU and the PO CHU Rivers were the day’s highlight.

The lunch was on the banks after the rafting, It was a bucket list tick, a feeling of being in heaven. Never had I thought of tents with small tables set on the banks, with nature’s music as an accompaniment to sunbathing and a groove beside to add spice. The best meal of Bhutan was before me consisting of red rice, Emma dashti fresh veggies with not to forget the AEZAY red and peach wine. Perfect.

The Purple Jacaranda

On our way back at the PUNAKHA DZONG, this very old and locally designed architectural building surrounded by nature’s beauty set amongst the lush green mountains and at the confluence of MO CHU and PHO CHU with many violet jacaranda blooming gives the white Dzong it’s most Picturesque setting. For many years, PUNAKHA being the capital of Bhutan the DZONG served as the administrative center and preserves the remains of ZHABDRUNG NGAWANG NAMGYAL and the holy artifact of Ranjung karsapani.

The pictureseque DZONG


White and multicolored flags fluttered violently at this point on the highest motorable road “The chele la Pass” in Bhutan, they seem to be there for ages making a sight which could be seen from some Km before you reach the point, far below I could see many winding paths circling the mountains and converging into many carpets of green of HAA valley. I am in heaven mulling if I have come so high or have the clouds descended upon me, making this the most spectacular, unforgettable moment.


The drive up here through the winding paths, pine forests, and vividly colorful RHODODENDRONS. Bhutan boasts of 46 species of them and also holds a Rhododendron festival. We were lucky enough to be presented a bouquet or two by our very warm driver, who gave me a peek into the warm and hospitable Bhutanese culture in the world’s happiest country.


Trekking for 4 hours we reach the tiger’s nest this distinctively remote monastery has a moist green path with rich Flora and Fauna. As you trek you cross paths with many monks clad in maroon robes and chanting, who spend lives understanding and implementing Buddhism as their religion and culture. Simple things like cleanliness, humility, gratitude, simplicity, contentment, and much more are the basics and the basis of this Happy Country.

Trekking in Solitude

I came Face to face in the solitude of the trek with these values and then meditated for some time in a 1692 cave now a monastery with intricate woodwork. Here Guru RINPOCHE meditated in the 7th Century after he reached here riding a tigress. Today it is the most visited site of Bhutan. Hanging on a cliff one wonders what an architectural marvel it is!

Completing the trek and sitting inside, peace descends upon us. We realize that some questions are better not asked and much better if unanswered. It’s best to just live in the moment and enjoy as life is not just about finding answers.

The top view


PARO for me was a UMPHHHH factor of my trip. I just loved sitting at the small cafes and bars enjoying the wine and staring at the mountains and the local crowd. No hustle-bustle and no crowds of thoughts, no people, no belongings. As I walk away, a deep sense of serenity, humility, and simplicity, and contentment overwhelm me.

Happiness quotient

  • Humility
  • Simplicity
  • Contentment
  • Sticking to your roots
  • Value of human life
Country of Masks

Loved the Fact

  • Trust on Individuals as countrymen, I learned that if you leave a thing anywhere in the country or if your car breaks down, you will find it wherever you left in the same condition.
  • They are bound to keep the environment cover and each one does it.
  • Love for their sovereign, countrymen, and country makes these small neighbors the Happiest Country in the world.

Stay Tuned to Varsha Mahore Blogs. Enriching lives through travel.

Varsha Mahore

2 thoughts on “BHUTAN_Blessed with Nature’s Bounty

  1. Hello Varsha. Your blog brought back the memories of my trip to Bhutan. I wonder how does God give such beautiful places to some people? Maybe he knows that these people will take great care of it. What a picturesque place. The eyes are thirsty to take in as much as they can. Very nice blog.

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